Simple Green Basil Syrup

A green basil syrup that has a rich dark green color and a lot of flavor
The recipe is inspired by personalities and publications.


  • 1 kg
    white sugar granulated (Sugar)
  • 1 ltr
    hot water (Water)
  • 200 gr
    green basil fresh (Herb)
Rights: Creator and Rights Holder
Copyright: All rights reserved


green basil fresh, hot water, white sugar granulated
rich Green

batch size

batch size:
around 1.6 ltr
around 50 Serving

steps of production

  1. Step: 1

    Put into your pot around 3-4 ltr of water. Then heat it up. Wait until it’s boiling. Put the Basil inside for about 15 seconds. after removing it, put it in the bowl of cold water and ice. Let it sit for 1 minute and stir it sometimes. Remove it from the water. And squeeze the water with your hands out of the blanched Basil. Cut it into smaller parts.

  2. Step:

    Either you use the hot water from the boiling process or a kettle to heat up 1 ltr of water. Pour it into the large pitcher, add the sugar and stir it until it’s dissolved.

  3. Step:

    Put a part of the warm sugar syrup and the blanched Basil into the mixer. Use the highest speed for 2 minutes and blend it well.

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