Whisky Sour

Frothy, sour and sweets with a lovely touch of bourbon. the all well-known Whisky Sour and our most favourite Sour of all time!

ingredients by categories:

  • Bourbon: Buffalo Trace Bourbon
  • Culinary Ingredients: Egg White (Pasteurized)
  • Citrus Juices: Lemon Juice (Fresh)
  • Syrups: Simple Syrup 1:1 (Homemade)
Source: The recipe has been adapted by the author (with variations).
Yellow Liquid In A Glass Tumbler With Frothy Foam On Top Dried Orange Aside
table of content

drink recipe

  • 60 ml Buffalo Trace Bourbon
  • 30 ml Lemon Juice (Fresh)
  • 20 ml Simple Syrup 1:1 (Homemade)
  • 30 ml Egg White (Pasteurized)
Cocktail Shaker, Jigger, Peeler, Spindle Mixer, Strainer
bar technique:
Garnish, Shake, Spindle Mixing, Strain
ice for mixing:
Ice Cubes
ice for glassware:
Ice Cubes
Orange Peel

how to mix

Combine all ingredients in the shaker tin or spindle mixer tin. Dry blend the ingredients in the blender for about 10 seconds. If you used the spindle mixer tin, pour the liquid into a shaker. Add ice cubes. Shake for about 15 seconds. Strain into the prepared old-fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Add your garnish.

Detailed Recipe Instructions

  1. Prepare your Mise en Place.
  2. Prepare your bottle setup.
  3. Chill the serving glass with either crushed ice or ice cubes. Or place it in a fridge or freezer.
  4. Prepare your garnish.
  5. Add all the ingredients (except the egg white!) into the taller part of the Tin-in-Tin shaker.
  6. Add the egg white into the mixer tin.
  7. Set the speed of the spindle mixer to the lowest setting. Otherwise, it might spill over very quickly!
  8. Dry blend the ingredients in the blender for about 10 seconds. If you want to dry shake instead, do it for roughly 20 seconds.
  9. Take the chilled glass out of the fridge/freezer. If you used ice to chill the serving glass, remove everything from the glass.
  10. Add around 4 to 5 ice cubes into the serving glass.
  11. Strain into the serving glass.
  12. Add your garnish.
  13. Clean up your working station.

    mixing tips

  1. Mixing Techniques: Dry blend the egg white with a blender for a better structure.

garnish instruction

Cut the orange zest into a diamond shape. Squeeze the zest a little, to release the oils of the zest over the drink. Place it onto the rim of the glass.

homemade ingredient used for this recipe

recipe profile

Astringent, Clean, Elegant
main flavor:
Lemon, Oak

aroma chart

  • Alcoholic Strength
  • Sourness
  • Bitterness
  • Sweetness

drink insights

What’s the story behind this drink and any interesting facts?

A good question is what I can tell you about our Whisky Sour cocktail? We have been using Buffalo Trace bourbon since the opening as a base. The lemon juice is squeezed on demand. The simple syrup is, of course, house-made. In the beginning, we were always using fresh egg whites. But if you sometimes sell a lot of the Whisky Sour, you need more Mise en Place, and you must crack the eggs à la minute.

The issue is that there are a lot of bacteria on the shell, and you always have to wash your hands after getting one egg white. So we are using pasteurized egg white. Some companies in Germany produce egg yolk products but don’t have a use for egg white (like Egg Liqueur). So they are selling it, making up about 30% of their revenue.

So the pasteurized egg white is safer to use and easier to store. The issue is that the texture is different from a fresh one. I like to use the Hamilton Beach Blender. I pour first the simple syrup, lemon juice, and bourbon into the cocktail shaker after I add the egg white.

Then I use the Hamilton blender with the shaker together. I let it blend for about 10-15 seconds. After, I give it a shake for about 10-15 seconds. You will end up with every short diluted, and frothy cocktail. Luckily the foam always stays on top and looks incredible.

Authors choice: Websites Worth Your Time

Written by Timo Wessels
Published on the September 3, 2024 and updated last time on the October 4, 2024.